Why my gums bleeds while brusing?
When you are brushing your teeth and you notice the taste of blood, you might begin to worry. You may begin to think: Why do my gums bleed when I brush my teeth? This can be a worrisome situation, and it could be a sign of serious issues.
Most of the time, though, it’s just a small problem that can be easily fixed.
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If you’re asking yourself: Why do my gums bleed when I brush my teeth:
The true answer is Bleeding is how your gums tell you they aren't happy for some reason. This is called gingivitis.
Most people brush but many don't brush properly. Accumulation of food debris near the gums causes bacterial formation that irritates your gums and makes your gums swollen that bleeds even on gentle stimuli like brushing.
What is gum disease (gingivitis)?
· Gum disease, or gingivitis, is inflammation of the tissues surrounding and supporting the teeth and is most commonly a result of poor dental hygiene. Gingivitis is a very common condition and varies widely in severity. It is characterized by red, swollen gums that bleed easily when teeth are brushed or flossed. Gingivitis is not the same thing as periodontitis, although sometimes a person may be affected by both.
What is the difference between gingivitis and periodontal disease?
Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums around the teeth
periodontal disease occurs when the bone below the gums gets inflamed or infected
Gingivitis is an only inflammation of gums.so that gums appears red and swollen cause bleeding from the gums.
But in periodontitis it affect both gums and bone, surrounding structure. Its lead to mobility [shaking] of tooth may occur.
Gingivitis treated by normal scaling, mouthwash, floss etc...
But in periodontitis normal scaling is not cure the problem it needs gum surgery or laser treatment
What causes gum disease?
- Smoking or chewing tobacco prevents the gum tissue from being able to heal.
- Crooked, rotated, or overlapping teeth create more areas for plaque and calculus to accumulate and are harder to keep clean.
- Hormonal changes in puberty, pregnancy, and menopause typically correlate with a rise in gingivitis. The increase in hormones causes the blood vessels in the gums to be more susceptible to bacterial and chemical attack.
- Stress impairs the body's immune response to bacterial invasion.
- Mouth breathing can be harsh on the gums when they aren't protected by the lips, causing chronic irritation and inflammation.
- Diabetes mellitus impairs circulation and the gums ability to heal.
- Medications such as anti- seizure medications promote gum disease
What is the treatment for gum disease?
- 1. The goals of treatment for gingivitis are to identify and eliminate the factors that are making the person more susceptible to gum disease. Most factors can be eliminated by establishing more consistent and thorough oral hygiene habits and professional dental cleanings. If there are certain factors such as smoking or uncontrolled diabetes that are contributing to the gum disease, they need to be addressed or eliminated to have success in reversing gingivitis. After the plaque and tartar are removed by a dentist or hygienist, the patient can usually reverse gum disease by brushing and flossing after every meal and using a daily mouth rinse. These are the over-the-counter treatments that everyone should use to prevent and cure gum disease.
- 2. In cases where gingivitis has led to periodontal disease and there are deep pockets that are difficult to clean, the patient may require deep scaling and root planning to clean teeth that are surrounded by deep pockets. They may need surgical treatment to gain access to all the tooth surfaces for a thorough cleaning. This surgical procedure is called flap surgery, and can be combined with a pocket reduction surgery to make the areas around the teeth easier for the patient to clean with brushing and flossing. This procedure consists of numbing the gums, then lifting them back to clean the teeth and sometimes reshape the bone. The gums are then repositioned around the teeth so there aren't the deep pockets that existed before treatment.
- 3. Soft tissue grafts are used to cover up root surfaces that have been exposed by receding gums. This can help eliminate sensitive teeth and protect the root surfaces that are softer and more difficult to clean .
- 4. Antibiotic therapy can be combined in various ways to help treat gingivitis and periodontal disease. Chlorhexidine is an antibiotic mouthwash that can be used under direction of a dentist to help reduce the bacteria that cause gum disease. Antibiotics in the form of pellets can be placed in deep gum pockets to kill stubborn bacteria .
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Laser Gum Surgery LANAP vs. Traditional Gum Surgery
· If your Atlanta periodontitis has told you that you have gum disease and will require dental surgery, you should know the difference between LANAP® dental surgery and traditional surgery. The biggest difference is that LANAP® does not require the use of a scalpel. Traditional dental surgery reduces the depth of your periodontal pockets by cutting away tissue. This often leads to bone or gum grafting as a way of reattaching the gums to the surface of the tooth. This is why a large majority of patients prefer LANAP® over traditional dental surgery. With LANAP®, your Atlanta periodontitis does not cut away and tissue.
What is LANAP Procedure LANAP vs. Traditional Gum Surgery
· If your u r visit a dentist for a have gum disease and will require dental surgery, you should know the difference between LANAP® dental surgery and traditional surgery. The biggest difference is that LANAP® does not require the use of a scalpel. Traditional dental surgery reduces the depth of your periodontal pockets by cutting away tissue. This often leads to bone or gum grafting as a way of reattaching the gums to the surface of the tooth. This is why a large majority of patients prefer LANAP® over traditional dental surgery. With LANAP®, your Atlanta periodontics does not cut away and tissue. Instead, a laser is used to remove bacteria from the pockets without harming the healthy tissue.
These are some of the key differences between LANAP® and traditional dental surgery:
- 1. Less Pain – Regular dental surgery can cause a lot of pain and discomfort. LANAP® is much less painful. In fact, patients very rarely require pain medication afterward.
- 2. Less Recession – Because traditional dental surgery requires that so much tissue be removed, there is no getting around gum recession. It is not uncommon for the gum line to be lowered as much as 15mm. LANAP®, however, is much less invasive and preserves the healthy tissue. The result is much less recession. This is important because gum recession can cause a number of cosmetic and health issues.
- 3. Shorter Healing Period – Because LANAP® is able to preserve healthy tissue, there is a shorter healing period.
- 4. Less Downtime – Unlike with regular dental surgery, LANAP® patients do not require post-operative pain medication. This means that you can get on with your daily routine as soon as you leave the office!
- 5. More predictable, long term results – While both LANAP® and traditional dental surgery provide effective results, LANAP® is far more predictable in the long term. With the laser, your Atlanta periodontitis is able to stimulate the bone that surrounds the tooth and encourage regeneration. This allows us to save teeth that otherwise would have been lost.er is used to remove bacteria from the pockets without harming the healthy tissue.
- Laser assisted new attachment procedure it’s a laser to treat a periodontal problem. All of think laser treatment is pain full and it’s very big procedure but is not as much complicated like gum surgery. In gum surgery will first will starts with local anesthesia followed by elevation of flap, due that blood loss, and suture and food restriction 1week, and also after surgery pain will be there for 5days.for that treatment you have come for 3 weeks.
o But in laser treatment no need of local anesthesia, no flap elevation and no suture, no food restriction and all that without pain. The laser treatment will done by Laser Surgeon.
o It’s done by;
o First we will do normal scaling. After that if pt. need’s we will give local anesthesia spray for deep scaling. After that we will start with laser. A tiny laser fiber insert between the tooth and gums[gingiva] to remove an infected gums and to reduce a bacterial function in and around the tooth and is reduce the space between the tooth gums.
o Normal laser done by single sitting. But we suggested go for a 3 sitting. Because it’s a long procedure. For that u have to open mouth for 4 hours. So that it 3 sitting.in first sitting we will starts with normal scaling. And full laser treatment is done within 3 days.
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Flap Procedure for Gum Disease
- You may need surgery for severe gum disease (periodontitis) if it cannot be cured with antibiotics or root planning and scaling. A flap procedure cleans the roots of a tooth and repairs bone damage caused by gum disease. A gum specialist (periodontist) or an oral surgeon often performs the procedure.
- Before the procedure, you will be given a local anesthetic to numb the area where the doctor will work on your gums.
- The doctor will pull back a section of your gums to clean the roots of your teeth and repair damaged bone, if needed. The gum flap will be sewn back into place and covered with gauze to stop the bleeding.
- Smoothed and reshaped so that plaque has fewer places to grow.
- Repaired (grafted) with bone from another part of the body or with man-made materials. The doctor may place a lining on the bone graft to help the bone grow back. The lining may need to be removed later.
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What To Expect After Surgery?
- Typically it takes only a few days to recover from a flap procedure. Be sure to follow the home care instructions that your dentist or oral surgeon gives you. If you have questions about your instructions, call the dentist or surgeon. The following are general suggestions to help speed recovery:
- After 24 hours, you can rinse your mouth gently with warm salt water several times a day to reduce swelling and relieve pain.
- Change gauze pads before they become soaked with blood.
- Relax after surgery. Strenuous physical activity may increase bleeding.
- Eat soft foods such as gelatin, pudding, or light soup. Gradually add solid foods to your diet as the area heals.
- Do not lie flat. This may prolong bleeding. Prop up your head with pillows.
- Continue to carefully brush your teeth and tongue.
- Apply an ice or cold pack to the outside of your mouth to help relieve pain and swelling.
- Do not use sucking motions, such as when using a straw to drink.
- Do not smoke.
- A few days after the procedure, your dentist will remove the stitches.
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Why It Is Done?
· The flap procedure is necessary when severe gum disease (periodontitis) has damaged the bones that support your teeth.
How Well It Works
· If you maintain good dental care after the surgery, the flap procedure should help stop your gum disease. Your gums should become pink and healthy again.
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- The roots of your teeth may become more sensitive.
- The contour or shape of your gums may change.
- Gum surgery can introduce harmful bacteria into the bloodstream. Gum tissue is also at risk of infection. You may need to take antibiotics before and after surgery if you have a condition that puts you at high risk for a severe infection or if infections are particularly dangerous for you. You may need to take antibiotics if you:
- Have certain heart problems that make it dangerous for you to get a heart infection called endocarditis.
- Have an impaired immune system.
- Had recent major surgeries or have man-made body parts, such as an artificial hip or heart valve.
- What To Think About
- A flap procedure is often needed to save teeth that are supported by a bone damaged by gum disease.
- Gum disease usually will come back if you do not brush and floss regularly after surgery.
- To promote healing, stop all use of tobacco. Smoking or using spit tobacco decreases your ability to fight infection of your gums and delays healing. For more information, see the topic Quitting Smoking.
- You will need to see your dentist regularly so that he or she can follow your progress. If your gum disease spreads, you may lose teeth.
What is the cost of gum surgery and laser treatment?
For gum surgery full mouth, four quadrant, =10,000
For laser treatment full mouth, four quadrant=12,000
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Prevention and Treatment of Gum Disease?
Proper dental hygiene can go a long way toward preventing gum disease. Most of us know the basics:
- Visit dentist for regular dental check-up and visit every 6 months for teeth cleaning and scaling.
- Brush your teeth at least twice a day, for two minutes. .
- Floss every day.
- Use an antibacterial mouth rinse for more protection from plaque and to improve gingivitis.
- Smoking increases the danger of gum disease by damaging gum tissue and increasing inflammation. If you smoke, preventing gum disease is one more very good reason to try to quit.
- If gingivitis occurs, your dentist can scrape away plaque buildup at the gum line.
- Brushing, flossing, and using an antibacterial rinse can usually prevent gingivitis from recurring.
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You have done a brilliant job making sure that people understand where you are coming from. And let me tell you, I get it. Please post more updates to cure.
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